Vidya Balan has turned producer with her first short film, Natkhat. The actress shared the first look of her debut short film. She is not only producing the film, but will also be seen playing the lead role. In the poster, Vidya can be seen in a desi look wearing a saree and lost in her thoughts, while a kid can be seen standing in front of her. The shooting of the film was completed last year. Sharing the poster, Vidya Balan wrote, "Ek kahaani sunoge...? Presenting the first look of my first short film as producer and also as an actor #Natkhat (sic)." Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Vidya Balan, Natkhat is directed by Shaan Vyas. The actress-turned-producer announced the short film in July last year. Taking to social media, Vidya had shared a photo of the clapperboard of the film. She wrote, "I'm happy and excited to share that a few days ago, I did my first short film as an actor... The film is called Natkhat and has me in a new role....that of producer.... I neve...
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