Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal, who celebrated his 50th birthday on 26 November. Arjun celebrated his birthday with girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades, son Eric and friends. To make Arjun's birthday special, his girlfriend Gabriella gave him a special surprise. To make Arjun's birthday special, Gabriella organizes a party in a luxurious yacht. Although Arjun has celebrated his birthday, but his girlfriend Gabriella has shared pictures on her Insta account a few hours ago, which are quite spectacular. The dress code was kept white for Arjun's birthday party. In which everyone wore white color dress. In the pictures shared by Gabriella on her Insta account, the first picture is of Arjun and Gabriella, who are looking cute while posing for the camera. In all the other pictures, along with Arjun, his friends are also seen enjoying the party a lot. Sharing a special post on Arjun Rampal's birthday, Gabriella Demetriades wrote, 'From now on I will only do parties on yachts. ...