Actress Hansika Motwani is going to be a bride of Sohail Kathuria. Their pre-wedding functions have started. Recently her mehndi ceremony was organized, some photos and videos of which have also got viral on social media. Her family members and close friends attended this function. The wedding rituals started last week in Mumbai. As per our sources, the couple is going to marry at a 450 year old fort in Jaipur.
Actress Hansika Motwani is going to be a bride of Sohail Kathuria. Their pre-wedding functions have started. Recently her mehndi ceremony was organized, some photos and videos of which have also got viral on social media. Her family members and close friends attended this function. The wedding rituals started last week in Mumbai. As per our sources, the couple is going to marry at a 450 year old fort in Jaipur.
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