Make some moment ramen. Slide an egg into the hot stock, then, at that point, some margarine. Crown the steaming noodles with cuts of American cheddar. Disperse a lot of toasted sesame seeds and slashed scallions across the top, on the off chance that you need to. Barely a recipe! Be that as it may, for the cook Roy Choi, who gave it to The Times in 2014, doctored moment ramen is a sample of Korean-American directly from-the-sack southern fare. The spread, egg and cheddar help coat the ramen noodles and extend their flavor. "It's our tidbit, it's our peanut butter and jam sandwich, it's our bowl of grain," Mr. Choi said. "Something has been a piece of my life perpetually." — Jeff Gordinier
Yield: 1 serving
1 pack ramen noodles with flavor parcel
1 enormous egg
½ teaspoon margarine
2 cuts American cheddar
¼ teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
½ scallion, green part just, meagerly cut on the predisposition, discretionary
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