Producer Zoya Akhtar has at long last wrapped up going for her impending film, The Archies and commended the event with a party. The youthful star cast met up to party in Mumbai on Tuesday including lead entertainers Khushi Kapoor, Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda. Each of them will make their Bollywood debut with the film. Suhana and Khushi presented together for the paparazzi alongside co-star Yuvraj Menda prior to joining the group at the setting.
Suhana looked staggering in a red bodycon dress and had her hair tied in a free bun. Khushi was in a dark revealing short dress matched with dark pads. After they presented along with a companion, Suhana likewise waved to the paparazzi prior to heading inside. The debutant entertainer was her open self and, surprisingly, broke into a chuckling while at the same time posturing for the cameras. Yuvraj Menda was in a dark tee and denims matched with a dark shirt and conveyed a dark purse too.
As a paparazzo account on Instagram shared a video from the occasion, a fan remarked, "Khushi helps me to remember Deepika Padukone at her most memorable profession. Ideally Khushi can be the following Deepika Padukone." One more said, "Khushi is class." "Ravishing Suhana," composed a devotee of hers. "My God Suhana," shouted one more fan. A remark likewise read: "Suhana is so in vogue and exceptionally fit."
Khushi Kapoor is the little girl of producer Boney Kapoor and sister of entertainer Janhvi Kapoor, Suhana Khan is the little girl of Shah Rukh Khan and Agastya Nanda is the child of Shweta Nanda and grandson of Amitabh Bachchan.
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